Monday 14 March 2011


Contests are kinda boring generally, there are a bunch of guys that skate at just the right speed to do the tricks they need to do, and cos they wanna land everything half the time you know what tricks they are gonna do.
Thena along comes Dennis Busenitz at this years Tampa Pro, having apparently only turned up for one day, breezed throught this ridiculous run at Busenitz speed and won the contest, if you aren't hyped for the Real video you are an idiot, plain and simple!
The whole of the Real team shred and Dennis is a true skaters skater, no one dislikes Dennis Busenitz.

Dennis Busenitz Tampa Pro 2011 Winning Run from Rob Meronek on Vimeo.

He does tricks off the cuff that would be the best trick most off us have ever done!

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Reskue Skate Shop is an independent skater owned shop in Southampton, England.