Thursday 19 November 2009

Slack again!

So there hasn't been any posts in a while again! I haven't had the chance to upload the rest of the Hythe video but it'll be coming later tonight hopefully!

We have had a whole bunch of awesome undercarriages come in which you can combine with any deck to make a custom set up, get a sale deck and you can have a £150 set up for £90! Bargain! check them out in the set-ups section.

With all the rubbish weather we have been making the most of the trusty british institution of car park skating:

Hopefully there will be more footage from the Levl 3 missions soon.

We have also had a load of Real and Anti Hero decks come in, and should have a bunch of Stereo boards coming in tomorrow too.

It looks like Marc Churchill is putting on the Creature premier at Goblets soon, more news on that tomorrow!

Here is a bit more skateboarding for you in the shape of Globe united by fate:

More Skateboarding >>

Now go check out all the new stuff!

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About Me

Reskue Skate Shop is an independent skater owned shop in Southampton, England.