Monday 27 April 2009

Black Box!

Is back! If i haven't said this enough already, I like Black Box stuff, Zero, $lave and Mystery all have amazing teams, they constantly have new footage up, the videos are always sick and Jamie Thomas is the head honcho so even though they are pretty big these days you know its still a skater run company.

We are now getting Black Box stuff direct from the USA, which basically means we have the choice of everything the companies do, instead of just what an English distributor thinks would sell, so if you guys want anything you have seen on the Black Box site then let us know by tonight and we can order it in for you! As stuff is coming from the US it takes about a week, and we are getting a healthy stock of all three board brands, but if there is a particular deck or item you think you want then let me know - - thats what i'm here for!

You can add Black Box on Facebook HERE.
and to wet your whistle here is a bit of footage of Rattray, Cole and Bobier skating a mini ramp, everyone knows Rattray shreds mini, but its rad to see Cole getting some tranny tricks.

Also Dorchester park had its opening jam this weekend, wierd how half the footage is on the four stair when there is a whole park surrounding it but I guess it shows street skateboarding is still what people want to do!

More Skateboarding >>

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About Me

Reskue Skate Shop is an independent skater owned shop in Southampton, England.