Friday 3 April 2009


In an outstanding piece of timing from Steve Berra (I text him last night asking to put it up) there is a video over at The Berrics looking at Baker Boys Distribution, basically Erik Ellington and Jim greco started Deathwish and its all skater owned, the distributors in the UK are a couple of skaters, and Reskue is a skater owned shop, so in getting Deathwish product from Reskue you are supporting skateboarding, thats it! there is no corporate entity involved, which unfortunately doesn't happen much in skateboarding these days! and for the guys that have been asking about a slash pro model, as soon as we can get it, we'll get it!

Also over at the Berrics there are the results from Bang Yoself 2, and the person I thought was gonna win, won! As soon as you see someone flip backtail a handrail you know its on! all the other guys are properly sick, so enjoy the vids and get inspired ready for filming SFTW this weekend!

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About Me

Reskue Skate Shop is an independent skater owned shop in Southampton, England.